
June 4, 2013

Testing time!

Sharing something here. After done 95% of web project. Time for my team member to test the project. Uwarghh! I feel too tired to done all this. Anyway, I enjoy it and happy I can make it. Picture via Instagram. Instagram ada. Tapi bajet ada handphone android. Wakaka! Me kasi hantam handphone orang ba itu. Kahkahkah! Peduli la. Janji instagram updated dari di biar berdebu.

And this while waiting for my dinner Nasi putih + Sup tomyam ayam datang. Me hantam momom this green peas. Hungry! Then boleh saja la si geng send gambar heineken tu. Bukan me pandai minum juga. Hahaha! Bengong.

That's all.. Hahaha! wink wink**

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