
October 27, 2012

cont Story that I miss (Part 2)

Hello peeps! Today entry is the continue of the 1st part Story that I miss. Hope enjoy to read. Rajin sikit la! Heh!

Straight to the point, isi belog I hari ni is all about my past convocation. Bila dah berlalu convocation day ni macam nak konvo one more time sebab nak jumpa kawan-kawan yang lain. Really miss them all. Bila agaknya boleh jumpa dorang semua ek? Dah la not all of them yang attend convocation day tue. Paling menyakitkan hati is orang yang rapat dengan I tak dapat pergi. Huh! Mengejar harta benda la korang okeh! Sodeyh doe tak dapat jumpa. Apa boleh buat. Kalau dikenang memang menyakitkan hati. Past is past. Biar la. Dari korang je la. Takde apa nak cerita sangat nih. Just share some picture during my convocation day for two days.

Convocation Registration!

 * Bila dah dapat baju konvo. Snapping di mana-mana jak. *

 * DSG Hall *

* Rumate tershayang! *

* my name is there! Tapi salah ejaan. Its okay, janji naik pentas! *

Dinner Time!

* makanan kitaorang yang paling awesome time dinner *

* saat ketibaan kitaorang at Kingwood Beach Resort! *

* persembahan! *

* door gift for alumni PMU! *

* Dinner Hall - part of it. *

* Our seat number! *

* Sumandak and Cowok all in one round table! *

* busy snapping sana sini. Kitaorang je la paling kecoh at that time I guess. Haha! Orang sibuk dengar orang berucap. We all sibuk snapping!  *

* sumandak-sumandak *

* penerimaan pingat kebesaran - pingat anugerah ketua jabatan *

* sesudah majlis! *

 * cowok2 kelas saya! Some of it. Ada yang tak datang! *

* Sumandak kelas saya! Some of it also. *

* Menara Kembar Petronas and Menara Tangki Air *

 * me and apis! Nak upload juga biarpun kabur! *

* Bini-bini ku gangster.. Hebat ko jo! Haha! *

* With bro perasan tiut! *

* Luar hall after Dinner *

 * Budak Networking! First batch.. *

* Sumandak cos Business! *

* With beautiful lady! ♥ them! *

Convocation Time!

* my ♥ family *

* my ♥ rumate putih (sem 5-6) *

* my ♥ rumate Supang (sem 1-3) *

* with ♥ sahabat! teman curhat ku! *

* saat menunggu untuk menjadi sah tamat PMU! *

* hugging.. I ♥ both them! *

* with bro yang suka menyakat orang Syukri *

* with them, fizwan, putih, me, yazli, sue and mia *

* i ♥ them so muchi! *

* with them putih, me, rovanne, mia and filza *

* me with mr.High Hanan! yang inter-frame tue Hadee. *

* i ♥ them all! *

* i ♥ my rumies! sem 1 - 3 bergabung di hari konvo! *

* haha! begini la yang akan jadi kalau orang berucap lama sangat kat depan *

* i'm officially ended my education at PMU. I ♥ PMU! *

* i'm happy for it. Thanks to my dad and mom always supporting me sampai me dapat pingat kebesaran ni. Aww.. sedih! Thanks God! *

* It's me again! *

That's all I can share to all. Anyway, I appreciate for everything I've got. And pingat kebesaran tue I get it atas my dad and my mom. I'll try harder to make them proud as well as I can. Without them I'm nothing in this world. Thanks a lot ♥ dad and mom. Thanks also to my JTMK's lecture, without them also, me takkan berjaya mendapat dean list. ♥ them all. Thanks to God, semuanya berjalan dengan lancar atas kehendakNya. That's all by the way, have a nice day peeps! wink wink **

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